Do you have a website for the whole food supplements? Could I take natural thyroid medication if I have half of thyroid and there is nodule on it? What do you recommend for inflammation?
You can go to to see what the whole food concept is and what whole food products there are but you will have to purchase them through me because Standard Process does not sell to the public. Half a thyroid can work as well as a whole thyroid as long as it is kept healthy. Nodule can come and go I have never found them to be a problem with getting the thyroid health. For inflammation I recommend Turmeric Forte but it is best to find out why you have the inflammation in the first place. If you live in Nashville you can call my office and make an appointment. If that is not possible I can email you a Symptom Survey, you fill it out and I can put together a nutritional protocol for you and show you how you can purchase the supplements online through me. Let me know what you would like to do. Dr Foley
2 replies on “Drugs That Gobble Up Vitamins”
Do you have a website for the whole food supplements? Could I take natural thyroid medication if I have half of thyroid and there is nodule on it? What do you recommend for inflammation?
You can go to to see what the whole food concept is and what whole food products there are but you will have to purchase them through me because Standard Process does not sell to the public. Half a thyroid can work as well as a whole thyroid as long as it is kept healthy. Nodule can come and go I have never found them to be a problem with getting the thyroid health. For inflammation I recommend Turmeric Forte but it is best to find out why you have the inflammation in the first place. If you live in Nashville you can call my office and make an appointment. If that is not possible I can email you a Symptom Survey, you fill it out and I can put together a nutritional protocol for you and show you how you can purchase the supplements online through me. Let me know what you would like to do. Dr Foley