Radio Show Summary: How to Reverse Diabetes 04/22/2012
- More than 20 million Americans have diabetes.
- There are two types of diabetes type I, juvenile diabetes and adult on set diabetes.
- Both types of diabetes accelerate the aging of our bodies.
- Both will promote the development of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.
- Diabetes ages and destroys the kidneys and other body parts.
- Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in adults.
- Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure.
- Leads to amputations, peripheral neuropathy (painful nerve damage in the legs)
- Diabetics regardless of the type have higher levels of triglycerides and increased levels of LDL cholesterol.
- Diabetics have more than a 400 % higher incidence of heart attacks than non-diabetics.
- You would think the nutritional advice given to diabetics would be to reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, or other cardiovascular disease– its not. They are given the same diet that has proven not to work for heart disease patients.
- A diet of refined grains, process foods and animal products are risky for anyone but is exceptionally deadly for the diabetic.
- This way of eating will guarantee a steady stream of available customers for hospitals and emergency rooms.
- Even when the type I diabetic takes a more aggressive nutritional approach this can prevent many of the complications that that affect diabetics.
- Almost all type II diabetics that adopt a superior nutritional diet can become un-diabetic and achieve wellness and excellent health.
- By changing their diet they will avoid the horrors that face the diabetic.
- Insulin works less effectively when people are on a diet of fatty foods or they gain weight. So diets
that containing less fat improves insulin sensitivity, a would weight loss.
- Anyone that is over weight will require the body to make more insulin regardless if they are diabetic or not.
- If you give an overweight diabetic more insulin you will make that person sicker by promoting more weight gain. They will become more diabetic.
- Insulin is a dangerous drug for type II diabetics. These are people that are overweight to begin with. Insulin therapy will result in further weight gain, which then accelerates their diabetes – a vicious cycle begins requiring more and more insulin.
- Don’t merely control your diabetes— Get rid of it for good.
- The most important goal is how much weight you lose.
- Not whether your glucose is a little high or a little low in the short run.
1. Avoid refined starches such as white breads and pasta these are particularly harmful.
2. Do not consume any fruit juice or dried fruits. Avoid all sweets, except for fresh fruits in reasonable quantities. Two or three fruits for breakfast is fine, one fruit after lunch and dinner is ideal.
The best fruits are those with less sugar like grapefruit, oranges, kiwifruit, strawberries and other berries, melons and green apples.
3. Avoid all oils. Raw nuts are OK , but only one ounce or less.
4. Green vegetables and beans should make up most of your diet. You should set your goal of one pound of raw vegetables a day and one pound of cooked vegetables a day. 90% of your diet should be vegetables.
5. Limit your animal-food intake to no more than two servings of fish weekly.
6. Try to exercise regularly and consistently. Do it on a regimented schedule, preferably twice daily. Walking stairs is one of the greatest exercise for weight loss.