

What was it like before you came in to see us?

I was overweight, low energy, a lot of allergies, skin problems and low self esteem due to multiple diet failures. I was unable to walk a long distance and was allergic to bug bites, grass and just about everything else.

How is it now?

To date I have lost 76 lbs, my energy has returned and I’m now able to walk 2 miles a day! I’m off Zoloft and blood pressure medications. My skin has cleared up. My allergies are non-existent. Thank you for helping me get my life back!

What was it like before you came in to see us?

I had been seeing an Iridologist and had improved a lot in the 2 years that I was on the program. I had done detoxing and such several times in the last 20+ years. However, I was still tired, very little energy, the headaches were no longer 3-4 times a week but I still had trouble. I continued to be allergic, even though not as bad, to most foods which was very inconvenient taking my special foods with me everywhere. I stared walking in the gym but could only do ½ mile.

How is it now?

I just returned from a 2 week trip in Europe. The temperature was extremely hot and tremendous amount of walking. I got very tired but I made it-something I couldn’t have done the last 30+ years. I ate regular food including olive oil, small about of pork, desserts (no sugar since 1974) including chocolate. Before I started with Dr Foley and doing allergy clearings, these things made me sick!

What was it like before you came in to see us?

Craved sweets, crashed energy, ate mostly processed foods, very lethargic, NO energy, short of breath, arms and legs felt like lead. Had to take multiple naps throughout the day. Miserable!!!

How is it now?

Energy is improving, diet is much better, my body doesn’t ache like before! Cravings for sweets has decreased tremendously and I have lost 7.5 lbs! I don’t nap during the day anymore !

What was it like before you came in to see us?

I could NOT sleep without medication! I would wake frequently and not be able to go back to sleep!

How is it now?

I can fall asleep and STAY ASLEEP! After 4 years of anxiety and depression now I can really enjoy my rest and even nap in the afternoon if I choose! Thank you! This is MAJOR FOR ME!

What was it like before you came in to see us?

Horrible allergies! Sinus infections several times a year, despite taking four medications. I began having hives as well. My body was trying to fight my environment and all that was impacting it but there seemed like nothing would help. I was desperate for some relief and any unique treatment out there. My allergist wanted to keep me on all medications forever, even though they caused drowsiness and still did not eliminate symptoms. Then I came here…

How is it now?

After many clearings, I am feeling much relief J. I was treated for trees and flowers but was still having allergy symptoms. When I inquired, it was explained that the previous treatments were for the actual tree or flower. It is in the third testing near the end when I was treated for the IGEs that I began feeling a huge relief! This has been the worst spring pollen in many years, yet I have not had one sinus infection. I have a little congestion but the nutritional supplements keep it out of my chest and have helped my immune system become stronger.

What was it like before you came in to see us?

I was extremely tired, didn’t sleep more than two hours at a time, constipated, was walking but unable to lose any weight with me following Weight Watchers meal plans.

How is it now?

In just these few weeks, I do have more energy, I have slept a few nights 4-5 hours at a time, since I started eating whole foods and lots of spinach, my constipation has improved. I have lost weight while eating LOTS of food and without much effort.

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